It has been such a full first semester of Marine Science learning!
The Junior Kindergarten 同学们从分享他们的奇迹开始,开始了他们对水中栖息地的探索. 他们开始在海洋科学实验室的水箱里观察鱼类和无脊椎动物,并与之互动. They watched, touched, and documented the life of these ecosystems. JK的学生学习和观察鱼类的特征,以及一些当地的潮池动物. At the end of this study, students examined their own connection to the ocean, 了解垃圾是如何通过排水沟和水道进入海洋的. 他们参加了校园清洁活动,以帮助我们学校的垃圾远离海洋.
The Kindergarten students explored the characteristics of living vs non-living organisms. 他们还了解了水中栖息地的特征——包括咸水和淡水. 他们探索了实验室里的热带和冷水触摸箱,以检查和说明鱼类和无脊椎动物, as well as the clues that washed up on shore. They designed and built ponds, rivers, lakes, and ocean shore habitats, 并开始了解生活在这些栖息地中的许多动植物, zooming in on the anatomy of a fish. At the end of this study, students examined their own connection to the ocean, 了解垃圾是如何通过排水沟和水道进入海洋的. 他们参加了校园清洁活动,以帮助我们学校的垃圾远离海洋.
The first-grade 学生们了解了潮间带,以及动物和海藻是如何适应生存的, hide, and protect themselves from all of the challenges. They traveled to the Seymour Marine Discovery Museum Lab, and students examined many of these intertidal animals and their functions. 学生们以我校的动物触摸式水箱为研究对象,探索触摸式水箱的身体设计, behaviors, and feeding of our local intertidal animals (including urchins, hermit and shore crabs, sea anemones, sculpins, and mussels). 他们还建造了潮汐池,并进行了测试,以观察潮差是如何变化的,以及动物是如何受到影响的.
The second-grade students studied our sandy shores. 学生们研究了沙子和海滩是如何揭示几乎所有生物在那里生活过的证据的, passed through or washed up. Students learned about how sand gets to the beach and what the size, shape, and composition of sand grains tell us. 他们去比恩谷州立海滩实地考察,了解我们当地的海岸地质情况. Students then studied life on the beach, below the sand, in the nearshore water, 在海滩残骸中——放大一个特定的栖息地和那里的居民. 他们前往弗朗西斯州立海滩研究我们邻近海岸的这些居民,包括受到环境威胁的雪鸻.
The third-grade students have been studying the water cycle and watersheds. Students learned how water travels in a cycle, 参加一项活动,让他们体验多种形式的循环, 并创造迷你苔藓生态系统来观察水循环随着时间的推移. From here students dove into their study of watersheds, 并且刚刚完成他们的三维分水岭模型(明天他们会加入重力元素). 他们试验了透水和不透水的表面是如何影响流入陆地的水流和水质的. 我们徒步到学校后面的阿罗约莱昂进行初步观察,并将在本学年剩余的时间里进行频繁的观察和测量. Due to the recent flooding, 我们不得不重新安排去佩斯卡德罗沼泽自然保护区的实地考察. Thank you to all parents who made time to drive.
The fourth-grade students examined the question-“What is the ocean like?” Within this unit, 学生们考察了海洋的特征,以及它们在海洋中不同地方的不同之处. 学生们研究了海洋是如何根据海洋的温度和盐度分层的, through water labs and ocean-related mysteries. 他们还参加了实验室,让他们体验不同海洋层的压力和视觉光和温度. 他们考察了海底和用于研究海底的船只类型,并根据自己选择的海洋区域绘制了适合自己的海洋动物图. 他们将利用这些信息为第二学期的海洋栖息地研究奠定基础.
The fifth-grade 科学家们完成了他们的第一次解剖,以了解普通市场鱿鱼的结构和功能. 我们讨论了鱿鱼渔业是蒙特利湾特殊利益集团的一个例子, 然后将我们的对话扩展到思考我们的社区(不仅仅是人类)的所有方式!) rely upon this space. 然后,学生们组成一个团队,向不同的支柱港利益相关者提出问题,以了解他们对港口的独特看法. 学生们与这些利益相关者进行了个人访谈,并制作了信息海报,相互分享,以丰富他们对我们与这一沿海资产互动的理解.
The sixth-grade 学生们从最初的“海洋训练营”学习开始,互相学习和教授海洋的基本特征. 学生们开始研究碳,以及碳如何在海洋、陆地和大气中流动. 他们探索了这些大型储存库中碳含量充足和过多之间的微妙平衡,并参与了一些活动,以研究人类的影响是如何将大部分碳转移到大气中的.
The seventh-grade students traveled to Catalina island via the Naturalists at Large program. Upon their return, students synthesized and built upon this learning, researching and presenting to one another about the geology, life on land and in the ocean, and resources of Catalina island (as well as the Farallon Islands). 然后,学生们开始对我们的海岸地质及其构造进行基础研究, traveling to Bean Hollow State Beach to observe these formations in person.
The eighth-grade 学生们从“海洋训练营”的学习开始,互相学习和教授海洋的基本特征. 学生们前往支柱港参加海岸修复项目, transplanting native beach grasses, as a part of the Living Shoreline project. 学生们了解了一些本地沙丘植物,以及如何利用它们来支持生态系统. Students moved into their study of marine mammals, exploring the biology and ecology of the 5 groups of marine mammals, and how they are adapted to live in the marine environment. 学生们通过研究一种特定的海洋哺乳动物,并与他们的同学分享他们作为奥林匹克冠军(在他们选择的奥林匹克组别)的海洋哺乳动物,完成了这个单元.